We run sessions in term-time on Thursdays and Fridays
Scroll down to find out which session is for you and see what a Skylarks day has in store…
Thursday Evenings
Alternate Thurs & Fri
Alternate Thurs & Fri

NEW for 2019 - Forest School Programme for Schools

We are keen to tailor your visit to suit and meet the needs of your group. A wide range of craft and tool use activities can be included in your session. Examples of our crafts include clay work, felting, experimenting with natural dyes, pewter casting, and large and small-scale natural artwork. The children can use tools to make a range of items, such as medals, woodland spinners and boats. We also offer an enhanced nurturing approach to your visit by focussing on team building, confidence building, emotional development, communication and social skills, and can adopt a particular focus if you wish. Two of our experienced Forest School Leaders are on site for each session so we can accommodate full classes of up to 30 children. Our school sessions take place on Thursdays, usually between 10am and 2pm. We provide full day sessions (4 hours) and morning or afternoon sessions (2 hours). One-off taster sessions are available but to feel the real benefit of Forest School a long term programme is recommended. For pricing and further information download our schools brochure. You can also download our booking terms and conditions for schools.

"The Skylarks team are exceptional with children of all ages, guiding them safely through creating sparks, lighting fires, woodwork skills and going on bear hunts!”
Erica Morris, Teacher
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides…

We cater for community groups on a Thursday evening with one-off Forest School taster sessions. The session can be tailored to suit the group and a wide range of craft and tool use activities can be included. Up to 30 children can be accommodated within any one group. Prices are dependent upon the length of time in the woodland, numbers in the group and the activities you would like to include in the session. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

"Super engaging evening for our Brownies. They loved the rope swing and using the tools. One girl said it was the best day ever!"
Kat, Disley Brownie Leader

These sessions run on alternate Thursdays & Fridays (10am-2pm) and are designed for home educated/flexi-schooled children. If your child/children are 8yrs+ you can drop them off at 10am and collect them at 2pm, although parents/carers are welcome to stay if preferred. If your child is under the age of 8 they need to be accompanied by a parent/carer. We restrict numbers to 15 per session and run a pure Forest School programme for these groups. This enables a progression of skills, including natural craft and tool use. We tailor these skills to match the age and experience of the group. Each session costs £25 for the first child, £15 for the first sibling and £10 for all additional siblings (accompanying young babies are free). Please email us for more information, term dates and bookings.

"My children are delighted to have the regular opportunity to use real tools, integrated as part of inspiring projects, or to do something they've read about, like whittle wood into a bow and arrow set."
Rebecca, mum of 2

These sessions are for early years children and their parents/carers. They are held on alternate Thursdays & Fridays (10am – 2pm). There is no obligation to commit to the term; you can book specific dates or individual sessions. Most children attend this group on a regular basis. To feel the benefits of Forest School, a long term process is recommended. These sessions are delivered as pure Forest School and are reserved to 15 places per group - booking is essential! They incorporate a craft/exploratory activity and a tool use activity for the children to access if they choose to. Each session costs £25 for the first child, £15 for the first sibling and £10 for all additional siblings (accompanying young babies are free). A packed lunch and snacks need to be brought to these sessions, but hot and cold drinks are available all day. We always have a fire at lunchtime and provide a campfire snack. A small camping toilet and toilet tent are also provided on site.

“I love it! It's four hours in the week when I don't have to say no. Sam has the freedom to do what he likes, get as muddy as possible, jump in puddles, join in, not join in, run, hide, laugh and play. It's really special quality time we spend together.”
Helen, Sam's mum

The entry /car parking charge at Lyme is waived for individuals attending Skylarks Forest School.
There is no charge for any of the adults attending the sessions.
One quarter of the income from our Forest School goes back into conservation at Lyme.

Skylarks provide free hot and cold drinks all day!